New project targets financial impact of spinal cord injuries


A new project involving Livability, a Christian-affiliated charity that supports people with disabilities, aims to give adults with spinal chord injuries more financial independence.

According to the article:

Adults with SCI [spinal cord injury] face barriers to employment with a global unemployment rate of more than 60%. They also are two to five times more likely to die prematurely.

This just shows how many areas of their lives paralysed people face difficulties in. The impact of spinal injury on people’s physical, emotional and financial wellbeing is severe.

The employment programme mentioned in the article aims to get 80 disabled people jobs or starting their own businesses within a year. It is run by Livability and the Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre in Nepal and received a grant of £6,000 from the Lloyds TSB Foundation for Northern Ireland

At nsif we fully support these efforts focused on improving the quality of life of people living with paralysis, and wish these organisations the best of luck in their fundraising and project.

We also however believe in a cure for paralysis. We believe it’s possible and something worth working towards. Click here to see the exciting research we are supporting and help us in our fight!



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