Last Thursday 15th September was the launch of Yvonne Williams’ self-published charity poetry book: With Lots of Love. Yvonne, who has been a keen nsif supporter for a number of years, decided to create an anthology to raise money for the charity a few months ago. She asked friends and family to submit poems they had written and discovered a number of budding poets amongst them.
The launch date coincided with Yvonne’s personal involvement with spinal cord injury. It marks exactly nine years to the day since her son, PC Arron Williams, had a rugby accident which left him paraplegic.
The event, which was extremely well attended, was held in The Royal Hotel which overlooks Southend’s sprawling beach. Yvonne’s friends, family and the contributors keenly gathered to get their hands on copies of the book. Roughly 200 copies were sold within the first couple of days alone.
The book subtitled ‘Everyday Poems for Everybody’ is a fantastic achievement. The contributors ranged in age from a seven year old boy to a ninety-year old grandmother and covered topics as diverse as love, infidelity, life, death, friends and life as a paraplegic.
We are extremely honoured to have Yvonne as a supporter of the charity. The book is truly excellent and will make the perfect stocking filler – to pick up your copy click here.
100% of the profits raised from the book will be donated to nsif.