LACE Housings incredible fundraising in 2016

In 2016 we were very fortunate to be chosen as the LACE Housing charity of the year after they heard an inspirational talk from our patron Claire Lomas. Over the year they raised a huge £5,005.84 for us. nsif team member Alice was thrilled to have been invited to their Annual Awards Evening to hear about all of their hard work and accept the donation.

LACE Housing is a housing association based in Lincolnshire who support the needs of the elderly in the area. Staff and volunteers across the company took part in fundraising, and even managed to encourage several family members to join in too!

One of the biggest fundraising events was the 110 mile walk along the Cleveland Way. LACE CEO Nick Chambers was joined by his wife Karen and son Elliot. Elliot was also present at the awards ceremony and gave a speech about LACE’s fundraising achievements, as well as winning an award for his volunteer services to the elderly. Also on the walk was LACE Operations Director Philip Hobson and his wife Sarah, Committee Member Bob Walder, Finance Manager Rachel Bridgwood and her husband Trevor and finally Helen and Craig Renard from Robert Pattison Secondary School. They were also joined on the last day by the staff from Brick Kiln Place, Emma Ward, Tracey Warren and Michelle Cook.

The other events were the Christmas Jumper Day help at LACE House; a marathon on a treadmill by Brick Kiln Place staff members Emma Ward, Tracey Warren and Michelle Cook and Worth Court organised a car wash and staff members Kirstey Bentley, Di Williamson, Karen Bishop, Danni Fawcett, Nicola Cartwright and Laura Beeby also took on a sponsored rowing challenge.

Check out the pictures of the annual awards and presentation evening in our Gallery.

We are eternally grateful to everyone from LACE Housing for their fantastic dedication and efforts throughout 2016.

If your organisation would like to support nsif either in 2017/or 2018, give the team an email on for support and ideas of how you can get involved.

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