John and Angela Pye got involved with nsif after their eldest son, Steven, contracted a virus on his spine that caused paralysis from the chest down. That was in the summer of 2007, and the prognosis from the doctors was that he would never walk again. However, his absolute determination and commitment to rehabilitation and physiotherapy has seen him improve to the extent he is now able to walk with sticks.
His efforts inspired his parents to take up the challenge and raise awareness of, and funding for, a treatment for spinal injury. When they found out about David’s story , they felt an immediate affinity for what David and his family had been through. They recognised the desperation of a parent trying to do everything possible for his son, and wanted to donate their time towards furthering nsif’s cause.
Ever since, they have worked tirelessly to fundraise for nsif, running local events in Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire. All the money they raise is ringfenced for the work of Professor Geoffrey Raisman, whose integrity and dedication towards the cause of curing spinal injury is an endless source of inspiration to the Pyes.
Find out more about the Pyes’ work for nsif.